NeuEra - Level 1-Eye, vestibular and bioelectric rehabilitation

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This first course includes the main techniques that have made the reputation of the Neuro Performance Institute over the last few years. You will therefore be able to reproduce the same quality of evaluation, in addition to having the documentation explaining the scientific bases that justify the use of these protocols and their impacts on the body. These protocols will be easily integrated into your practice and will distinguish you from your competitors at the end of your 3-day training.

Areas of application are broad, such as injury prevention, rehabilitation, physical preparation, performance, healing support, and more.

Target audience: Massage therapist, physiotherapist, osteopath, chiropractor, ENT, occupational therapist, coach, physiotherapist, posturologist, podiatrist, physical rehabilitation therapist, sports therapist, etc.)

What will you learn?

  • Theory of the science of muscle testing + practice and common mistakes
  • Preparatory corrections of the nervous system
  • The basics of neurology for movement
  • Bioelectrical and structural traps: short leg, scars, jewels, tattoos, amalgams or braces. Learn how to use a protocol to identify the body’s electrical impulse, the possible harmful effects, and how to neutralize these disturbing signals and their anchors in the brain
  • Release of emotional anchors in tissues with and without acupressure
  • Testing of cranial sutures. Why? They can affect the glands and different parts of the brain, as well as interfere with the proper activation of certain muscle groups, such as the adductors of the axes and the flexors of the neck
  • Sequences in muscle testing to assess whether the interference is from collagenous or neuromuscular sources. Why? In the case of purely collagenic sources, we use tools and postural reeducation
  • Sensory correction of the podal sensor and normalization of the posterior superficial fascia. Why? The feet are the only structure in contact with the physical world. Any problem of proprioception emanating from these will create an imbalance in all the structure of the body
  • Theory of Neurostimulation and Biofeedback on Russian technology apparatus. When, how and why?
  • Rehabilitation of the vestibular system: to detect and correct the asymmetries between semicircular canals or otolithic organs (saccule or utricle). Why? The inner ear can cause postural problems, balance and muscle activation, especially body extensors
  • Rehabilitation of the oculomotor system: to detect and correct the asymmetries in the ocular dials, with exercises associated with the muscles, cranial nerves and associated parts of the brain. Why? The eyes are connected to each muscle of the body and prepare it for movement. About 40% of our proprioception and areas of the brain are attached to it. An unbalanced movement of the eye causes sudden muscle problems, among others!
  • The use of vestibulo-colonic reflex for rehabilitation or performance. If you can not move your head properly in all directions by looking at a target or if you have motion sickness, maybe this reflex is poorly integrated in your home!



Nicolas Desjardins, BHS, CPN

Bachelor in Holistic Health Sciences

Expert in Postural Neurology and Neurotherapy

Ph.D. student in integrative medicine

President, Academia NeuEra inc

President, Clinic and Neuro Performance Institute

President, Neuro Performance Institute Switzerland SNC

Vice President, Quantum Jump Technologies

Has more than 8000 hours of study in the field of health, therapy, sports and alternative medicine.

(See his full biography)