Course - Neuro Athletic Trainer Level 1 (Quebec), FR

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The training required to obtain the Neuro Athletic Trainer (NAT1) title will be spread over 9 months for online theory and supervised classroom practices.

 The classroom practices will be every 3 months, but requires the completion of the theoretical exams online, associated with the practical training.

 Teachers will represent NeuEra in the classroom, depending on the different countries participating in the course. In the event that there are not enough participants for the practical workshops in the classroom (e.g. 2 registered students from Morocco), the evaluations will be done in video or videoconference format.


The first block of 3 months represents :


  • Motor Learning in the Service of Sports Performance .

You will be presented with the theory of the different lobes of the brain and their respective functions, in order to better understand which parts of the brain are involved in the acquisition of knowledge, as well as than in resource mobilization. Other structures such as the cingulate gyrus, corpus callosum, fornix, hypothalamus, cerebellum, basal ganglia, supplementary motor area, primary motor cortex, hippocampus, etc.

In the path, you will be brought towards the concept of neuroplasticity. You will learn about concepts such as the dynamic or fixistic conception of the brain, the dynamics of brain networks, theoretical models of spontaneous recovery, synaptic connectivity, etc.

An entire section will be devoted to senses, which allow us to receive the world in order to be able to put a meaning into it, ultimately allowing us to place an action there. Central vision, as well as peripheral vision, touch, hearing, proprioception with its different receptors (neuromuscular spindles, Golgi tendon organs, joint receptors, etc.), to then explain the treatment of < /span>'information.

This includes anticipation, memory with a capital M (sensory memory, short-term memory, the place of information elements, the theory of grouping, etc.), in addition to the concept of attention .

Theories of learning, the concepts of retention and transfer, the neurophysiological bases of learning, the stages of learning motor, the processes involved in motor progress, the different pivotal periods of learning, the golden rules of learning, etc.

This is what you can expect in this training of more than 300 pages dedicated to motor learning.

Once the sensory and motor acquisition that every human being should be able to develop, motor learning in the service of sports performance allows us to adapt our practices on the basis of research done to date in order to to optimise.

This training is equivalent to 2 days of online theory (16 hours) .


  •  Muscle Testing .

Muscle testing should be one of the priority tools for all therapists or trainers. This training presents a practical method of muscle examination which allows you to check the strength of different muscles as objectively as possible. This is an essential step before any rehabilitation of the musculoskeletal system. This method is based on the use of dynamic tests for each muscle.

In your educational journey at NeuEra, this methodology will be used in most training courses, so can be considered the first training course to follow!

Muscle testing is also useful for testing the ability of the muscle or muscle groups to support the skeleton, identifying musculoskeletal dysfunctions and neurological problems.

Easy to do and with no equipment needed, other than a massage table or yoga mat.

Useful for assessing dysfunctions in posture, walking reflex, mobility/flexibility, muscular symmetry .

This training is equivalent to 1 day of online theory (8 hours).


  • Sensory -Motor Integration Level 1.

Part 1

The understandingunderstanding of the left and right brain. Hemispheric functions and imbalances. By better understanding hemispheric sub-capacities, you will be able to create suitable stimuli to bring back a balance of the left and right brain. A balanced brain helps with emotional and immune regulation, learning, motor development, etc. Neurotransmitters and immunity depending on the hemispheres.

Embryology applied to the sensory system. The skin becomes the nervous system and the brain. By understanding the'importance of the sensory system, you will greatly influence the 'efficiency of the nervous system and the brain. Perception and balance. What are the differences and how and when to interact with them? Compensations related to lack of balance and certain classic tests. Compensations can lead to pathologies in certain parts of the body far removed from the source, in addition to exhausting the nervous system more quickly. You will learn to use posture and gait in your assessments. Theory on sensorimotor pathways, homunculi and the different fibers involved. Theory on neuroevolution and neurogenesis, including archaic reflexes. Correction of motor patterns and essential primitive reflexes. Reflexes set up motor patterns, among other things. The list of biomechanical or even emotional problems, in the case of poorly integrated reflexes, can be incredibly long.

The theory on the skin of the foot and stability / the'use of the INP-Fascia Tool for sensory rehabilitation. Without adequate sensitivity in the skin of the foot, the foot is blind. The foot is the only structure in the body that connects us to the physical world, without it all chains of the body are affected.

Part 2

Dimensional plans. Large fascia networks and motor units. Neurological subsystems. The body works in chains, not in segmentation. Postural tests, such as the transverse plane and subsystems.

Cloacal reflexes, with or without context stabilization. In human development, the body goes through several phases, including the reptilian and the mammalian: everything must be functional before positioning human walking.

Sensory reintegration for therapist and trainer. Methods will be proposed to you for sports specialists who are not allowed to touch their patients therapeutically. Axial activation for therapist and coach. Functional exercises for reintegration of subsystems. And  the reintegration of the vestibular system in the room. Moreover!

This training is equivalent to 4 days of online theory (32 hours).


In order to obtain the official title of Neuro Athletic Trainer Level 1 (NAT1), training 1, 2 and 3 require 1 weekend of practice over 3 days, equivalent to 24 hours supervised in the gym. The theory/practice course of these three training courses will total 80 hours.


The practical weekend will be held on : January 26-27-28, 2024

The second block of 3 months represents :


  • From Reflex to Sports Movement, Level 1 .

The planes of movement (frontal, sagittal, transverse), the 12 myofascial chains, the definition of primitive reflexes, the dynamics of primitive reflexes, the different types of primitive reflexes, the primordial and developmental and the description of archaic reflexes that are a priority for athletic development.

Sensitive information, motor control, sensorimotor integration, the cerebellum from a functional point of view, body schema, laterality, major types of nervous circuits (reflex/conditioned/voluntary/automatic movement) , the force-length relationship and the force-velocity relationship.

Categories of specificity and elements of transfer .

Athletics, its requirements and its vocabulary (stride, foal, anterior/posterior cycle, frequency, amplitude, period, contact time, impulse, impulse chain, free leg, etc.), the biomechanics of the foal, the anterior-posterior leg cycle, the fundamental position in racing, the 7 key points.

The 7 athletic diaphragms , the 7 athletic fundamentals and athletic motor skills .

Some concepts and instructions (“toe-up”, high hips, knee forward, “blocking”, etc.)

Load and stretch response, elasticity, and the stretch-shortening cycle/plyometric training

Understand the importance of neuromuscular spindles, golgi tendon organs, athletic ranges/training, the lightning rod analogy and decision tree for development of'a training session.


This training is equivalent to 2 days of online theory (16 hours).


  • Movement Optimization and Correction: Strength Sports .

This course includes the most optimal theory and techniques for performing the main movements of the body (Squat, Bench, Deadlift, Overhead Press), as well as their accessory exercises. The concepts will be as relevant for bodybuilders, powerlifters and weightlifters as for the general population. The course will focus on the importance of proper use of biomechanics in training, a progression of exercises, the applicable neurological stimuli, the different levers and the importance of personalizing the movements, according to each person's morphology. These protocols will be easily integrated into your practice and will distinguish you from your competitors.

What more will you learn?

The postural system and movement, the general adaptation syndrome, proprioception, the importance of primary movements for the human being, the study of postural tone, the 10,000 hour rule, the human foot and squat .

The different techniques, accessory exercises, exercise progressions and biomechanics of movement for the 4 lifts, mobility of the rib cage, scapular and abdominal sheathing, why squat, morphological differences, the tools that can be used, the visual system, the vestibulo-ocular reflex, the mouth, postural control and the skin.


This training is equivalent to 3 days of online theory (24 hours).


In order to obtain the official title of Neuro Athletic Trainer Level 1 (NAT1), training 4 and 5 require 1 weekend of practice over 3 days, equivalent to 24 hours supervised in the gym. The theory/practice course of these three training courses will total 64 hours.


The practical weekend will be held on : April 5-6-7, 2024


The third block of 3 months represents :


  •  Neurology Applied to Sport and Rehab, Level 1. What will you learn?

The course will focus on the importance of proper use of biomechanics and applicable neurological stimuli.

Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation, to identify whether the joint restriction comes from the tissues or the nervous system , as well as the choice of therapeutic tools if necessary.

Chromotherapy for strength and mobility, the Knees Over Toes method, the Range of Strength method, hemispherical imbalances and usable lithotherapy.

The Dense Strength method, pre-workout neural activation, EQI stretching, the neural overload system and the NeuEra colors, in order to sort harmful exercises from those providing benefits, when planning rehabilitation, reathletics or performance.

The use of Quantum Jump technology for performance, reactivation of muscle chains and fascia.

Rehabilitation of the skin of the foot for stability and performance , the vestibulo-colic reflex, neural activation and the hand-eye - ear relationship (the elephant, the 8, the RVO, etc.)

This training is equivalent to 3 days of online theory (24 hours).


To these 6 training courses is added a 16-hour supervised practice weekend, integrating all the concepts learned during the 6 training courses, in a clinic-school setting. This is the final practice for the integration of acquired knowledge. The theory/practice course of this last training will total 40 hours.


The practical weekend will be held on : June 14-15-16, 2024


The supervised practical and theoretical course corresponds to 184 hours, but we require 300 hours to obtain the official certificate, allowing them to use the letters NAT1 in their name. These remaining 116 hours will be accumulated by experiences carried out in the gym by the Neuro Athletic Training student, on clients. Consultation reports will be required, using a charter provided by NeuEra. These 116 hours are quantifiable at the end of the first weekend of supervised practice, following the first 3 training courses. It is possible to obtain a 400-hour certificate, with summaries to be produced on videos to listen to, linked to the content of the training. For what ? To better master the subjects, as well as to have a certificate that carries weight!

Dates of practical work 

  • Tp1

  • Tp2

  • Tp3


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Some courses may be creditable for returning students, but most have been enhanced with the NeuEra transition. For students who have taken some of our courses, contact us for a personalized credit.