NeuEra - The Functional Foot

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NeuEra offers you this course, the theory and practical knowledge of which will become essential in your practice.

These techniques support the work of the Quantum Jump technological insole by creating additional engrams at the level of the neurological structures associated with the skin of the foot, by stimulating key sensory areas.
Work directly on the level of 2 major myofascial chains responsible for an effective fight against gravity, in a vertical position, will be offered to you with a specialized gua sha tool.

In conjunction with this reduction in myofascial adhesions, you will learn a sequence of muscular reeducation of the leg muscles, in order to strengthen the latent weaknesses which cause valgus or varus to persist, pain and hamper performance.

Additionally, you will be taught more complex theory about different products available on the market and fascia systems. These tools come from 6 years of experience of rehabilitation work, with and without the wearing of orthopedic or postural insoles, under the eye of a neurotherapist specialized in manual therapy.

You will learn how to test podiatric orthoses and all joints of the leg and ankle using manual muscle testing.
You will also be taught a basic lymph correction system, to allow better evacuation of muscular waste, better nutrient intake, as well as nervous decompression.

This course is the result of the improved adaptation of the main techniques which had already contributed to the high reputation of the Neuro Performance Institute. You will therefore be able to reproduce the same quality of evaluation, in addition to having the documentation explaining the scientific foundations which justify the use of these protocols and their impact on the body. These protocols and knowledge will be easily integrated into your practice and will set you apart from your competitors at the end of your 2-day training.

What will you learn?

  • Integration of lymphatic system testing and gua sha correction technique.
  • Manual therapy to free the foot.
  • Foot and leg muscle rehabilitation exercises.
  • Sensory assessment of the foot and corrections for a better engram at the cortex level
  • Podal postural stabilization mechanisms.
  • The foot, transmitter of power. The reflex zones of the foot towards the muscular chains.
  • The calf pump mechanism.
  • Pubic symphysis self-correction technique.
  • The deep anterior and superficial posterior line.
  • Lower body joint tests.
  • Bioelectric fascia theory.
  • Anatomical palpation of the foot
  • Even more !


Nicolas Desjardins, BHS, CPN

Bachelor in Holistic Health Sciences

Expert in Postural Neurology and Neurotherapy

PhD student in integrative medicine

President, Academia NeuEra inc

President, Neuro Performance Clinic and Institute

President, Swiss Neuro Performance Institute SNC

Vice President, Quantum Jump Technologies

Has more than 8000 hours of study in the field of health, therapy, sports and alternative medicine.

See his full biography