NeuEra - The Use of Energy Pathways

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Learn more about cranial nerves, postural differences during functional injury, chromotherapy, meridians, chakras and how they can affect the body. Discover accelerated correction techniques!

This second course includes the main techniques that have made the reputation of the Neuro Performance Clinic over the last few years. You will therefore be able to reproduce the same quality of evaluation, in addition to having the documentation explaining the scientific foundations which justify the use of these protocols and their impact on the body. These protocols will be easily integrated into your practice and will distinguish you from your competitors from the end of your 3-day training.  

The areas of application are vast, such as injury prevention, rehabilitation, physical preparation, performance, healing support, etc.  

Target audience: Massage therapist, acupuncturist, physiotherapist, osteopath, chiropractor, ENT, occupational therapist, trainer, physiotherapist, posturologist, podiatrist, optometrist, physical rehabilitation therapist, sports therapist, kinesiologist, etc.

What will you learn?

  • Postural differences observable during a functional lesion of the cerebellum, the pontomedullary reticular formation or the inner ear. 
  • Evaluate and understand (in a traditional and functional way) the relationships of the cranial nerves and their implications in the health of the person, in order to better understand whether part of the brain is overloaded or under capacity.
  • Use the cranial nerves to optimize brain stem and posture functions. If the cranial nerves are not functioning optimally, several asymmetries can appear in the assessments.
  • The use of colored and pinhole glasses to stimulate unconscious visual pathways, intraocular muscles, as well as cranial nerves.
  • The theory of light therapy and its uses for health and performance. 
  • The theory of chromotherapy and its uses for health and performance.
  • The known links between meridians, chakras and musculoskeletal structures, as well as their interactions will be demonstrated during the training.
  • The Neuro Performance Institute's known theory and use of parvocellular, magnocellular and koniocellular pathways for health and performance. These pathways provide access to different parts of the brain that we cannot reach with our hands and are often linked to complex body memories that are essential to be identified during a rehabilitation process.
  • An accelerated technique for correcting energy blockages in the vital body, using the hands, combined with possible links with the mental sphere.


Nicolas Desjardins, BHS, CPN

Bachelor in Holistic Health Sciences

Expert in Postural Neurology and Neurotherapy

PhD student in integrative medicine

President, Academia NeuEra inc

President, Neuro Performance Clinic and Institute

President, Swiss Neuro Performance Institute SNC

Vice President, Quantum Jump Technologies

Has more than 8000 hours of study in the field of health, therapy, sports and alternative medicine.

See his full biography