NeuEra - From Reflex to Sports Movement - Level 1

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What will you learn?

  • Maurille Thunus, her career and her journey
  • Training goals
  • Planes of movement (frontal, sagittal, transverse)
  • The 12 myofascial chains (route, description of characteristics and functions)
  • Definition of primitive reflexes
  • Dynamics of primitive reflexes
  • The different types of primitive reflexes
  • Primordial reflexes and development
  • Non-integration of primordial reflexes
  • Description of archaic reflexes that are a priority for athletic development
  • Sensitive information (description, explanations and operating principles)
  • Motor control (description, explanations and operating principles)
  • Sensorimotor integration (description, explanations and operating principles)
  • The cerebellum from a functional point of view (description, explanations and principles of operation)
  • The body diagram (description, explanations and operating principles)
  • Laterality (description, explanations and operating principles)
  • The main types of nervous circuits (reflex/conditioned/voluntary/automatic movement)
  • Force-length relationship (description, explanations and operating principles)
  • Force-velocity relationship (description, explanations and operating principles)
  • Categories of specificity, transfer elements (description, explanations and operating principles)
  • Athleticism. a family story
  • Athleticism. his extreme demands
  • Jasons a little vocabulary (stride, foal, anterior/posterior cycle, frequency, amplitude, period, contact time, impulse, impulse chain, free leg, etc.)
  • Foal biomechanics (description, explanations and operating principles)
  • The anterior-posterior leg cycle (description, explanations and operating principles)
  • Fundamental racing position, the 7 key points
  • The 7 athletic diaphragms = the 7 athletic fundamentals (description, explanations and operating principles)
  • Athletic motor skills (description, explanations and operating principles)
  • A little detour through breathing
  • Some concepts and instructions (“toe-up”, high hips, knee forward, “blocking”, etc.)
  • Load and stretch response (description, explanations and principles of operation)
  • Elasticity (description, explanations and operating principles)
  • Stretch-shortening cycle/plyometric training (description, explanations and operating principles)
  • Understand the importance of neuromuscular spindles (description, explanations and operating principles)
  • Understand the importance of the Golgi tendon organs (description, explanations and operating principles)
  • Athletic range/educational (educational + tips for use)
  • The lightning rod analogy
  • Decision tree for developing a training session


Maurille Thunus

Physical trainer, sports coach, trainer

Bachelor in Physical Education (Helmo Loncin)

Master in psychomotor skills

 See his full biography