NeuEra - Therapeutic Broths

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Learning the art of therapeutic broths will allow you to use this powerful tool to gently address several health conditions.

The course covers the use of broths for several health conditions and possible variations, methods of preparation and includes several recipes, including a vegan option.

Several participants were surprised to see the results on their health following the consumption of therapeutic broths, after only one week! 


Lydie Vachon Ac.

Chinese medicine coach and specializes in the oriental art of living as therapy.

She studied Chinese dietetics under Jeffrey Yuen, an 88th generation Taoist master, and was mentored by Mr. Yuen's student and Chinese dietetics practitioner Andrew Sterman, author of Welcoming Food - Diet as medicine.

Since then, she has offered numerous Chinese dietetics classes to both the general public and acupuncturists. She is also the creator of the online course: Digestive Alchemy - Better digestion through mindfulness and Chinese medicine.

She lives in the Laurentians and cultivates a garden of Asian vegetables and medicinal plants.

See his full biography