NeuEra - The Missing Link, Clinical Testing Workshop

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Are you a health and fitness professional on a mission to help your clients:

  • Increase energy and vitality

  • Reduce their systemic inflammation

  • Improve their body composition and ratios

  • Get rid of their chronic pain problems

  • Restore balance and homeostasis

  • Increase their performance in the sport or profession of their choice

  • Improve their autoimmune condition to alleviate or eliminate their symptoms by finding the root cause

  • Improve their mental health

If you are a physiotherapist, chiropractor, nutritionist, dietician, strength coach, osteopath, massage therapist, psychologist or trauma therapist, this two-day workshop is a must-attend event.
During this course, you will learn to assess your clients to determine whether their homeostasis is good or not. Our specially designed test kits feature small vials containing the frequencies of very specific elements. The test kit will make it easier to obtain crucial information that could prevent your client from achieving their goals or returning to optimal health.
We will talk about the symptoms related to parasites, viruses, bacteria and heavy metals and different appropriate and effective strategies in functional nutrition for people suffering from chronic pain or fatigue.
Sometimes fungi, such as Candida, can be the source of cravings for sweets, bread, pasta, fruit and refined sugars, as well as why some people have difficulty losing weight.
Assessing and reducing toxicity from a person's epigenetics will help your clients address many of the health issues they currently face. The genetic factors that affect us will also be revealed. Some clients have a better genetic capacity than others to detoxify their body. In this course, you will learn more about this topic and how to help your clients free themselves from the enormous toxic burdens weighing on them today.

If you don't test, you pretend!
Laboratory testing is very expensive and trying to find solutions for your customers is not always easy or affordable. In this workshop, you'll get the tools to help you find the answers your customers are looking for.
For example, let's say your client has an abundance of parasites and too much aluminum in their body and is complaining of difficulty losing weight, stomach cramps and pain, weak abdominal muscles and chronic fatigue, especially after eating… In just a few minutes, you may be able to find these answers without having to take a stool sample, urinalysis, or blood tests. You can then suggest a natural protocol to support the body in its fight against parasites and heavy metal toxicity.

What will you learn

  1. Muscle testing using chromotherapy to determine which colors strengthen your client and which color weakens them. Don't worry if you haven't mastered muscle testing, you will learn how to test it correctly in this workshop.
  2. By familiarizing yourself with our specialized test kits with vials containing frequencies, you will learn how to test the body's reactions to different harmful elements, minerals or vitamins.
  3. Recommend essential oils and herbs that your client will need.
  4. Recommend the best nutritional supplements and a functional nutrition plan to help your client regain optimal health.
  5. Recommend nutrition plans based on their individual needs.
  6. Formulate strategies for the application of bioenergetic stickers, which can help accelerate results for your client.
  7. Recognize and assess which glands and organs need support, based on symptomology and response to bioenergetic testing.
  8. Assess the body's meridians. If one of the meridians is not functioning properly, what can be done to help it?


Steve Moratto

Therapist and founder of U Perform Better Health & Rehab since 2004.

See his full biography