NeuEra - Postural Disruptors

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This training was designed to respond to complex cases that may arise in consultation, such as short legs (false or real), testing of dental amalgam, occlusion and temporomandibular joint (TMJ), joints which can create postural conflicts, etc. We have also integrated advanced correlations, in supine position, allowing links between systems to be made quickly, for therapists who have short consultation time to devote to their patients (e.g.: podiatry follow-up). This training is equivalent to 2 and a half days of online theory (20 hours).

What will you learn?

  • Introduction to Postural Disruptors (Understanding posturology, plus some pro tips)
  • Some Conditions Posturology Can Help With (Posturology and scoliosis, headaches and migraine, neck and back pain, herniated disc, sciatic nerve, dizziness, nausea and vertigo, as well as high blood pressure)
  • Resting and Dynamic Postures (Some postural rules in a mechanistic view, smartphones are now transforming the human skeleton, texter's neck syndrome, sitting posture and lower cross syndrome, as well as congenital foot disturbance)
  • Posture and Morphology (The relationship between postural deviations and body mass index, as well as beautiful chest does not mean beautiful posture)
  • TMJ and Occlusion (The mouth and its postural normality, mouth breathing and the nervous system, the feedback phenomenon, all the muscles of the body are connected, the movements of the TMJ, mandible and malocclusion, the trigeminus, the Goll and Burdach pathways, the clinical signs suggesting a dysfunction of the masticator system, the odonto-gnathic complex and posture, the odonto-gnathic complex and therapeutic modalities, TMJ and concepts to remember , advice from the pro, occlusion and TMJ disruption tests, dental dials, dental amalgams and micro-currents, how to test a micro-current in the mouth, why this frequency, the dangers of 'isopropanol, the danger of mouthwashes, a little more about mouthwashes, grounding and the mouth, functional test and correction of the deep anterior chain, as well as teeth removed)
  • Metals and Electromagnetic Fields (How to test jewelry)
  • Disturbing Joints (Joint tests of possible disruptors, the sacroiliac joint, the sterno-costo-clavicular, the tibio-fibular, the tibio-fibulo-tarsal, as well as the pubic symphysis)
  • The Disrupting Muscles (The suboccipital muscles, the suboccipital muscles, as well as forward head posture)
  • Scoliosis (The archer's bones, idiopathy, functional or structural, scoliosis and spinal traction, as well as scoliosis and the use of light and colors)
  • Vestibulo-Ocular Conflicts (postural symptoms of visual origin, vertigo and nystagmus, nystagmus and the use of light and colors, strabismus and amblyopia and the use of light and colors, oculomotor consequences vestibular loss, the effect of lack of vision on posture, convergence and anti-depressants, as well as the thyroid and extraocular muscles)
  • Cranial Nerves, Reflexes and Neuropostural Disturbances (The nuchal reflex test, the brainstem and the regulation of antigravity muscles, the oculomotor nerve, damaged cranial nerves 3 to 12, cranial nerves for eye movements, the trochlear nerve , the trigeminal nerve, the abducens nerve, weaknesses of the 3-4-6-12th cranial nerves, the vestibulocochlear nerve, tongue and posture, study on the effect of tongue position on postural stability in young males in good health, as well as difficulties using the language)
  • The Reticulated Pontomedullary Formation (FRPM, as well as the complications and functions related to FRPM)
  • Short Legs (Short legs and some possible symptoms experienced, some related conditions, leg length discrepancy, measurement errors, causes of lower limb length inequality, procubitus alignment test and in decubitus, the evaluation of the sacro-iliac tilts, the rules to follow, the tests to validate if the body is ready for a short leg correction, as well as the modification of the sole)
  • Other Disruptors (cortisol and proprioception)
  • The Correlations of Thomas Barré (systemic correlations in different planes, generalities


Nicolas Desjardins, BHS, CPN

Bachelor in Holistic Health Sciences

Expert in Postural Neurology and Neurotherapy

PhD student in integrative medicine

President, Academia NeuEra inc

President, Neuro Performance Clinic and Institute

President, Swiss Neuro Performance Institute SNC

Vice President, Quantum Jump Technologies

Has more than 8000 hours of study in the field of health, therapy, sports and alternative medicine.

See his full biography