NeuEra - The Ocular System - Level 1

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This training includes the theory of the ocular system (the eyes) and its relationships with the postural system. You will learn to evaluate and recalibrate the visual system (combined movements among others), by detecting potential asymmetries in the extraocular muscles using a methodology using the 9 possible visual fields. You will learn the relationships between the extraocular muscles, their associated cranial nerves, as well as the parts of the brain involved.
By improving these neuromuscular relationships, you will notice changes in muscle activity, as the eyes connect to every muscle in the body and prepare it for movement.
40% of areas of the brain are occupied by eye functions and a huge part of our proprioception requires good eye synergy.
Our methodology is exceptional and will revolutionize your practice, in the clinic or in the gym. 

What will you learn?

  • Introduction to the Ocular System (The 2 main components allowing the eyes to function optimally, age, eye health in traditional medicine, as well as the different professions working with the eye)
  • The Anatomy of the Visuo-Motor System (Anatomy and physiology of the human eye, the appendages of the eye, the receptors of the retina, the evolutionary aspect, the optical pathways, the visual input, the visuo-motor system , the oculomotor system, muscle conjugation in monocular vision, Sherrington's and Hering's laws, ductions in monocular vision, the oculomotor-innervation system, how the eyes can cause shoulder and neck problems, as well as pathologies eyepieces)
  • The Development of the Visual System (the road towards convergence, the development of vision and the functional organization of practical motor functions, psychomotor development, social life, so-called higher cognitive functions, practical motor pathways, gaze strategies , structure, development, structure of the cortex, functional organization of visual pathways, as well as what is the visual component and why is it crucial for reading)
  • Its Roles and Functions (the impact of poor visual skills, the 4 basic visual skills, eye movements, visual acuity, depth perception, peripheral vision and awareness, why do we have two eyes, types of eye movements, movements of both eyes, voluntary movements and reflex movements, neurology of the visual system, child, myopia and external activities, the god's eye, the path of vision via the 2nd cranial nerve, cranial nerves 3-4-6, how the visual system connects to the postural system, as well as the influence of extraocular muscles on body movements)
  • Interesting Facts (why did pirates wear eye patches and earrings, visual acuity for sports, fall in love with your partner's eyes, interesting facts about the eye, the eye , posture and performance, heterochromia, as well as anicosoria)
  • Cortical Processes (light, colors and the brain, the 2 visual pathways, the lateral geniculate body, reaction time, the brain and illusions, contrast vs. color constancy, human echolocation, as well as seeing with his tongue)
  • Visual Pathologies (visual pathways, cortical blindness, clinical examination and functional explorations of cortical blindness, growth hormone vs blind people or cataracts, metabolic coma, ocular diseases such as cross-eyedness / strabismus, heterophoria, the problematic condition of strabismus, amblyopia, amblyopia vs strabismus, the motor component of strabismus, the sensory component of strabismus, ocular convergence or divergence, therapeutic gaps, the lang stereotest – its description and instructions for use, the lang stereotest and strabismus, the two-pencil horizontal lang test as a screening test for stereopsis and binocularity, the main etiologies of binocular diplopia, semiology, the most frequent causes of paralysis of the 3-4-6th cranial nerves, traumatic causes, vascular causes, as well as what to do with a glass eye)
  • Functional Neurology (the neurology of the visual system, the reactions and various reflexes of the pupil, the cerebellum and visuomotor tasks, the cerebellum and visuospatial skills, the anatomy of eye tracking, eye tracking disorders, causes of weakening of symmetrical pursuit, localization of defects in asymmetrical pursuit, deficit of eye saccades, vision problems after a stroke, eye exercises to help recovery from a stroke, eye injuries after a stroke, overcoming eye injuries after a stroke, as well as recovering and adapting)
  • Specific Visual Exercises in Clinic (basic eye movements, involuntary saccade, isometric contraction of the eyes, cerebellum and eye position, forward-backward movement, small train, near vision - distant vision, horizontal pursuit , vertical or diagonal, the small circle, the vertical or horizontal eight, voluntary eye saccades, as well as the vestibulo-ocular reflex)
  • NeuEra Visual-Motor Rehabilitation (with or without glasses, relaxation, the 4 eye reset sequences, eye dials, the NeuEra methodology for eye rehabilitation, grid number 1 and 2, duration of eye exercises, as well as duration effects and variants)
  • Specific Visual Exercises for Athletes (the test of neural capacity with peripheral vision, the large circle for pre-sport or mental activation, peripheral walking, the visual balancing technique, the vestibulo-ocular holding reflex, as well as the hand-eye relationship and sensory integration)
  • Other Possible Supports for Eye Health (in support of eye rehabilitation, possible deficient vitamins associated with visual dysfunction, diet for eye health, as well as eye protection in 7 strategies)


Nicolas Desjardins, BHS, CPN

Bachelor in Holistic Health Sciences

Expert in Postural Neurology and Neurotherapy

PhD student in integrative medicine

President, Academia NeuEra inc

President, Neuro Performance Clinic and Institute

President, Swiss Neuro Performance Institute SNC

Vice President, Quantum Jump Technologies

Has more than 8000 hours of study in the field of health, therapy, sports and alternative medicine.

See his full biography