Manuel Constant

Having worked for a decade as a sports coach, Manuel first focused on the physical level of humans. Anatomy, physiology, biomechanics and nutrition mainly.
These fields of knowledge did not satisfy his curiosity, so he continued his thirsty quest for human understanding by immersing himself in the study of different spheres such as psychology, philosophy and interpersonal communications.
His growing interest in behavioral analysis encouraged him to ask himself certain questions:
- Is it possible that there are clues in people that allow us to better understand them?
- How can we better understand an individual and their intentions?
- Better yet, is it possible to prevent certain situations based on warning signs?
Eager for answers, he turned to synergology to complete a three-year academic career.
Following his specialization, he chose to put his expertise to use by designing training adapted to different professional environments and founded Syner-Go.
Passionate but critical, he continually educates himself on the subject.