NeuEra - Deep Fascia Correction and Tissue Osteopathic Concepts

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This course follows the training on skin and fascia, the basic courses in posturology, the Myonik training as well as INP-Level 1. It is therefore important that you have already done one or other of these training courses. 

This course aims to refine fascia assessment and correction techniques by targeting specific deep areas which are the source of stubborn dysfunctions. Throughout this training, you will learn to evaluate and correct structures such as the dura mater, the periosteum and the main areas of musculoskeletal conflict which, when affected, contribute to the maintenance of dysfunction in your clients and reduce the effectiveness of basic techniques. In addition, to these techniques is added a manual therapy component which will lead you to feel the subtle movement of the different fascia of the body. You will learn to let yourself be guided by them and thus refine the work of relaxation. 

In this course you will learn to:

1-identify and correct restrictions in the dura mater. Learn to identify the restriction and the consequences on the rest of the system malfunctions.

2-Learn to identify and correct dysfunction in the periosteum and intraosseously. Learn to release (in a few seconds) deep intramuscular fascia which manifests itself as painful knots upon palpation.

3-Learn how to identify a dysfunction in deep fascia that is often inaccessible by simple touch. Learn how to correct the pericardium, diaphragm and endothoracic fascia, so often involved in neck and shoulder dysfunction.

4-Learn to release the deep anterior chain and the superficial posterior chain for systemic mobility gains.

This course is inspired by proven NeuEra concepts, as well as osteopathic principles that, when combined, will take your practice to the next level!


Nicolas Desjardins, BHS, CPN

Bachelor in Holistic Health Sciences

Expert in Postural Neurology and Neurotherapy

PhD student in integrative medicine

President, Academia NeuEra inc

President, Neuro Performance Clinic and Institute

President, Swiss Neuro Performance Institute SNC

Vice President, Quantum Jump Technologies

Has more than 8000 hours of study in the field of health, therapy, sports and alternative medicine.

See his full biography

Philippe Denis

Philippe Denis is an osteopath and posturologist by training. It was after a long career in education that he decided to make the transition to the health sector.

See his full biography