Advanced foot rehabilitation
The foot, one of my all-time favorite subjects.
Thanks to my feet, I do this job.
I came to do mine to meet my own personal need, which could not be met by the techniques and tools of traditional professions.
I'm going to reveal some of the main points of the techniques that I use in the clinic and that I teach, as well as a little theory about our two friends who live in the basement.
First, the foot is part of the ectodermal ring. All parts affected by the ectodermal ring have enormous biological value in everything related to the sensory cerebral cortex.
Everything that your brain was interested in in your mother's womb was affected morphologically by this ring.
The ring communicates with the visceral and somatic pathways of the embryonic wall.
The entire sensory development of the body depends on the quality of the information perceived by the structures of this ring.
Later, the foot becomes our only daily connection with the physical world. He is the one who allows us to propel ourselves, to anchor us in the ground
- The floor provides massive sensory feedback to the brain and helps improve motor control.
- The ground is a physical reality where we all learned to move when we were little.
The skin of the foot needs to inform the brain 3 times per second about its positioning on the ground. Some areas should touch the ground, others not (like the arch of the foot). Here's how I test them.
- Get into a standing position. Jump in place for a few seconds then stay relaxed without moving.
- Without moving your feet, do you feel your left heel pressed to the ground? Your right heel? The ground under your left big toe? The right big toe? Under the left outer edge? Under the right outer edge? Avoid moving to refresh the signal or looking at your feet. This must remain a proprioceptive analysis of the skin of the foot by the sensory cortex only.
By stimulating the skin of the foot with the Proprioception Enhancer, we stimulate 4 of the 5 types of receptors:
- Thermoreceptors for heat.
- Baroreceptors for pressure.
- Nociceptors for pain.
- Mechanoreceptors for stretching among others.
- All that is missing are the chemoreceptors, stimulated by chemical elements.
In cases of shin splints or plantar fasciitis, the deep anterior fascia and superficial posterior are involved and can cause problems all the way up to the neck.
In the following video we demonstrate how to test the feet and images of these fascia lines:
In the training we will explain the techniques to use to correct proprioception as well as the fascia lines involved, in addition to the joint, muscle and lymphatic tests of the leg. We will also talk about shoes and orthopedic insoles and their impact on the body.
For training, it’s here:
This training is taught by Nicolas Desjardins, BHS.
You will come away with a wealth of clinical tools and functional knowledge about the foot, in addition to an e-document of approximately 200 pages of supporting data.
If you want to know more, I invite you to listen to the video here:
Our podcast on sensory foot rehabilitation has arrived!
Nicolas Desjardins, BHS
Bachelor in Holistic Health Sciences
Expert in Postural Neurology and Neurotherapy
President, Neuro Performance Institute